Trent Johnston, a beloved cast member of 7 Little Johnstons, has finally broken his silence regarding his daughter Liz Johnston’s pregnancy. The news broke recently that Liz is expecting a baby with her boyfriend, Brice Bolden, with the due date set for November 2023. While not many details have been revealed yet, including the gender of the baby, Trent is thrilled to share his excitement with fans.

Liz Johnston confirmed her pregnancy to People, sharing the news of her forthcoming bundle of joy. With her due date just around the corner, Liz is already well into her pregnancy journey. Liz and Brice, her boyfriend of four years, live together and have been enjoying their time as an expectant couple. Despite not being engaged or married, they appear to be content and happy together. The lack of frequent social media posts featuring the couple had previously sparked speculation about their relationship status, but it seems that Liz may have been intentionally keeping her growing baby bump out of the public eye.

Following the official announcement, Liz took to her Instagram account to share pictures proudly displaying her baby bump, allowing fans to join in her joyous journey.

Trent Johnston, Liz’s father, expressed his joy and excitement about the impending arrival of his grandchild. Taking to Instagram, he shared an article from People, accompanied by the caption, “I’m going to be a Boppa! We are so happy and super excited for the first grand baby.” Trent’s use of the term “Boppa” indicates his chosen grandpa name, drawing inspiration from its German origin. As Trent shared his enthusiasm, it can be inferred that Amber, Liz’s mother, shares in the excitement, as Trent used the term “we” in his post.

While Amber’s chosen grandma name remains unknown, fans eagerly anticipate her decision, expecting it to be equally unique and endearing. The Johnston family’s supporters cannot wait to hear what Amber selects as her special name.

As the Johnston family prepares to welcome the newest addition, their fans eagerly await further updates and eagerly anticipate the arrival of the grandchild. The joyous news has brought immense happiness to the family and their devoted followers, who look forward to sharing in their journey.

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