Tori Roloff, known for her role on TLC’s “Little People Big World,” has garnered attention and love from viewers for her sweet and amazing personality. She often shares details of her life with her large fanbase, spreading positivity through her social media posts and giving glimpses of her children.

However, it seems that Tori is currently dealing with a painful situation. She recently uploaded a video on Instagram to reveal her real condition after an injury. In the video, Tori pointed at her eye and explained to her followers that she had developed a stye on the edge of her eyelid. She mentioned that she gets these styes almost every time she uses mascara.

Tori went on to explain that she doesn’t even apply mascara to her bottom lashes, yet she still ends up with lumps below her eyes. Additionally, she revealed that she is allergic to mascara and prefers using eyelash extensions instead. Tori pointed out the “painful” injury on the bottom of her eyes in the video.

Curious about her followers’ experiences, Tori asked if they also get styes on their eyelids and expressed her surprise at the situation. She then disclosed that this is why she has started using extensions and fake lashes instead of mascara.

With this new insight, fans of “Little People Big World” can understand why Tori often opts for a no-makeup look in most of her photos and videos. It appears that she has discovered her allergic reaction to mascara and is taking precautions to avoid further discomfort.

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