Fans of the reality show Sister Wives are well aware that Kody and Robyn Brown were disappointed when the Friday night dinners with their kids came to an end. This development may have been an early indication that the family was experiencing difficulties. A recent Reddit thread has sparked speculation among fans about the true reasons behind the cessation of these dinners.

The revelation on a recent episode suggested that the Brown family stopped having Friday night dinners because the kids had other commitments on Fridays and Saturdays. However, some fans find this explanation inadequate, considering that the family still had young children who were available to dine together. They suggest alternative solutions, such as rescheduling the dinners to accommodate the older kids or choosing a different night of the week when they were less busy.

One fan initiated the thread by sharing their thoughts, suggesting that Robyn, and possibly Robyn and Kody together, wanted Kody to spend weekends at her house so he could fulfill his role as a father to her children. They propose that either the dinners were discontinued altogether or that Robyn demanded that they be held exclusively at her house. The fan further implies that not complying with Robyn’s wishes would result in accusations of exclusion and lack of warmth towards her and her children.

Many fans concur that there were likely other underlying factors contributing to the end of the Friday night dinners on Sister Wives. They believe that it wasn’t solely due to the children’s busy schedules. Here are some of their opinions shared in the thread:

“I agree it wasn’t important to any of the adults. They all claimed that they stopped all of the get-togethers because of Robyn, but I don’t believe that was the issue. I do agree that a bulk of the kids were wanting their own lives. It’s one thing doing that when they are mostly young, but not realistic with teens.”

“The houses were not big enough for all of the kids and adults before Robyn, but add Robyn’s bunch and the fact that they are all bigger in size due to growing up… how in the heck would any family not feel uncomfortable in a family get-together.”

While it is a personal choice to have a large family, the logistics of accommodating everyone in a gathering may have posed challenges, leading to the discontinuation of the dinners.

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