Fans of TLC’s sMothered are expressing their concern and criticism over the dangerous behavior displayed by newcomers Eva and Sunnie, as well as Sunnie’s partner Scott. A screenshot from a recent scene featuring the three of them has sparked outrage among TLC fans, who are calling them out for their reckless actions.

The screenshot, shared on Reddit, depicted Scott driving with Eva in the passenger seat and Sunnie in the back. The OP apologized for the low quality of the photo but wanted to draw attention to the fact that all three individuals were wearing their seat belts incorrectly. Instead of properly resting on their shoulders, they had tucked the seat belts under their armpits.

Fans were quick to blame TLC for the problem, noting that this is a common issue across many TLC shows. One fan pointed out that even in scenes from 90 Day Fiancé that take place in vehicles, people are often seen wearing their seat belts in the same incorrect manner. The fan speculated that production may encourage this practice due to the placement of microphones.

Some fans expressed horror at the idea that TLC would encourage their cast members, across multiple shows, to wear seat belts incorrectly. Others made jokes suggesting that TLC prioritizes capturing good shots and audio over the safety of their cast members.

The criticisms from fans highlight the importance of promoting proper seat belt usage and adhering to safety guidelines, even in the context of reality television. It remains to be seen how TLC will respond to these concerns raised by viewers.

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