Is Mama June Shannon, the reality television star, back on drugs and getting high on TikTok? Fans have been making accusations, but there might be something else going on with her. Something seems off, but what could it be? Let’s explore further for more information.

Mama June’s behavior in her social media videos has always been difficult for fans to watch. Due to her vision issues, she often leans in close to the camera, bobbing her head back and forth. Moreover, followers have noticed that her face appears flushed, and her lips are chapped. In the past, concerns arose, speculating that she might be sick. However, there have also been comments questioning whether she has relapsed into drug use. As many may recall, Mama June faced severe substance abuse issues a few years ago when she met Geno Doak.

The couple lost everything they had acquired during their time on television and public appearances. Furthermore, Mama June lost custody of her daughter, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson, who went to live with her sister, Pumpkin. In order to avoid going to jail, Mama June got sober, left Geno, and has maintained her sobriety ever since. However, according to TMZ, her recent TikToks have caused concern regarding her behavior and the way she rants and raves against those who challenge her. But Mama June has responded to these accusations and stands firm in her denial.

“I don’t do drugs, I don’t smoke cigarettes, and I don’t even drink,” declared Mama June. She also shared that she has been sober since January 27, 2020. Regarding why she wasn’t looking directly into the camera during her live videos, she explained that she was cooking at the time and reminded her fans that she is blind in her right eye, making it difficult for her to read comments when looking up.

Mama June also claims that she is required by production to undergo weekly drug tests and emphasizes that she has passed every test. She further stated, “That doesn’t keep me clean, I keep me clean.” It is worth noting that Mama June’s husband, Justin Stroud, also has a troubled past, and their relocation to his home state of Alabama was related to his legal issues. However, they returned to Georgia when Mama June’s eldest daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, she recently passed away, and the family has faced criticism for their frequent presence on social media.

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