Elizabeth “Liz” Johnston, star of TLC’s 7 Little Johnstons, continues to share regular updates with fans following the arrival of her first baby with Brice Bolden on November 3. Recently, adorable photos of Leighton Drew Bolden at 8 weeks old were unveiled, captivating 7 Little Johnstons fans.

Since Leighton’s birth, Liz has been providing her followers with updated photos, showcasing her daughter’s growth at one week old, one month old, six weeks, seven weeks, and now at eight weeks. This latest set of professionally taken portraits was shared on December 29, marking two months of joy for Trent and Amber Johnston as first-time grandparents.

In the past, the Johnston parents, featured on the TLC show, faced criticism for being perceived as controlling. However, viewers have seemingly warmed up to them as they embrace their roles as doting grandparents. Currently, their daughter Liz likely appreciates Amber’s assistance in caring for her baby. Every mother wishes for a supportive family when it comes to newborns.

The new photos of Leighton were beautifully captured, although the photographer was not credited. Liz’s caption expressed love for her beautiful little girl at eight weeks old. In response, Liz’s sister, Emma Johnston, commented on wanting to squeeze Leighton’s cheeks, indicating her affection for her niece.

Unfortunately, the post’s comments were locked, preventing TLC fans from expressing their thoughts. Nevertheless, there are plenty of other sweet photos of Leighton available on social media. Liz Johnston and Brice Bolden may not have planned for their baby, but she is deeply cherished by the family, proving to be a true blessing.

7 Little Johnstons fans will not be surprised that Emma was the first to comment on the update. From the beginning, she developed a strong bond with her niece. Despite her struggle to keep secrets, she managed to keep her sister’s pregnancy under wraps. On December 3, Emma shared a photo on Instagram, showcasing her adoration for Leighton.

In her caption, Emma expressed her love for her one-month-old niece, emphasizing the joy she experienced since learning about her arrival. She adored Leighton’s smile, little noises, quirky eye crossing, and every other aspect of her sweet personality.

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