Is Mama June Shannon’s husband, Justin Stroud, engaging in a blocking spree on TikTok? Fans believe so and have shared their experiences of being blocked and the reasons behind it. Let’s delve into the details.

Mama June and her family are active on social media, particularly TikTok, where they spend a significant amount of time. They participate in competitions, promote merchandise, and interact with fans. However, one fan noticed that Justin was losing followers and viewers on his live feeds. His numbers plummeted from thousands to hundreds, which was a significant drop. It seems that he is now blocking fans and followers for various reasons, and a Reddit thread was created to discuss this behavior.

The original poster (OP) shared their experience:

“Has anyone else annoyed Justin enough to get blocked on TikTok? For context, I heard one of Pumpkin’s babies coughing a lot during the live stream and commented that he should attend to them. I kept asking who was sick because the child kept coughing in the background. He snapped at my comment and ended the live stream abruptly. I no longer have access to his TikTok, but I’m not sad about it because he’s terrible. Still find it amusing, though.”

This person expressed genuine concern for the baby, which is understandable. However, Justin deemed it worthy of blocking. Did any other Redditors have similar experiences?

“I was blocked during their first Disney trip for calling him out on the misinformation he was spreading about the parks.”

“It’s not difficult to get blocked, from what I’ve read. You just need to make an honest comment, and he blocks you.”

Another user questioned why Justin and Mama June spent so much time with Pumpkin’s kids. Someone responded that they were all on vacation at Disney World, staying in the same Airbnb. However, another Redditor pointed out that it may not necessarily be Justin Stroud himself who is doing the blocking.

According to one Redditor, it’s possible that Justin Stroud has a moderator monitoring the comments and blocking users on his and Mama June’s behalf. This raises questions about who would want to work for them, but some individuals are enticed by the idea of fame, regardless of whether they are viewed positively or negatively, as long as their name is recognized.

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