Meri Brown has recently made a surprising revelation, announcing that she has been in a relationship with a man named Amos since October. This news is significant because it means that two of Kody Brown’s ex-wives have found new partners. So, who is Amos? Let’s delve into more details about Meri’s boyfriend.

Getting to Know Amos, Meri Brown’s Boyfriend

During a conversation with her best friend, Jenn, Meri had mentioned specific qualities she desired in a man – someone tall and a pilot. These details sparked speculation among fans about whether Meri was already seeing someone. At the time, she denied being in a relationship, and just a few days ago, she stated that she was single, with her new puppy being her sole companion. However, she still hoped to find love after witnessing her former sister wife, Christine Brown, marry David Woolley in October 2023.

Now, Meri has unveiled her boyfriend, Amos, disclosing that they have been together since October. While she hasn’t revealed how they met, she mentioned her intention to share more details gradually. Initially unsure of how to break the news to her fans and followers, Meri believed that her birthday was the perfect occasion – and indeed it was. So, what do we know about Amos? Here are a few interesting tidbits.

To clarify, Amos is not 6’6″ tall, as Meri had previously mentioned as her preference. He also isn’t a pilot, but this doesn’t seem to bother the Sister Wives star. On a positive note, Amos shares Meri’s love for Christmas, although perhaps not to the same extent. Another significant aspect of their relationship is the abundance of laughter, which Meri considers vital for a romance to thrive.

The Canine Connection

Meri Brown is thrilled that Amos gets along well with her dog, Zona. This was evidently an important factor, especially considering Kody Brown’s aversion to dogs. Kody would not even stay with Janelle Brown because she had two dogs that slept in her bed. Fortunately, this doesn’t appear to be an issue for Amos, who is also affectionate towards Meri. Their physical interaction, with Meri’s arm linked with his, demonstrates the level of appreciation he has for her – a striking contrast to Kody’s behavior.

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