Fans of the reality show Sister Wives are expressing concerns about Kody Brown’s treatment of his last remaining wife, Robyn Brown, suggesting that he is “killing” her emotionally. Kody and Robyn have been married for nearly fourteen years, with their relationship legally recognized for almost a decade. However, the dynamics within the family have shifted, leaving fans questioning Kody’s behavior towards Robyn.

Although Kody had always claimed not to have a favorite wife, it became evident that he favored Robyn, who is his most recent wife. He spent the majority of his time with her and her family, even his daughter Aspyn noticed this early on. As time went on, Kody seemed to lose interest in his other three wives, particularly after the onset of the pandemic. Robyn was often described as “obedient” and loyal, along with her five children, which further distanced Kody from his other wives. Another factor contributing to this divide was Janelle Brown’s RV, which Kody did not spend time in, as he preferred Robyn’s mansion.

By the end of Season 18, Kody had officially lost his original three wives, leaving only Robyn. While Robyn maintained her desire to live in a plural marriage, some fans questioned her sincerity. A Reddit thread was started discussing Robyn’s appearance and overall demeanor, with the original poster noting that she seemed to have aged significantly. They described her slouched posture, lack of head held high, puffy face, wrinkled neck, weight gain, and absence of smiles. The OP speculated that Kody’s treatment of Robyn may be taking a toll on her well-being.

Responses from fellow Redditors varied. Some believed that Robyn was experiencing the consequences of her past actions, suggesting that she was reaping what she had sown. Others mentioned that the other three wives had undergone personal transformations by distancing themselves from Kody’s influence. Some commenters did not solely blame Kody for Robyn’s situation, emphasizing that a life of deceit and manipulation would eventually catch up to anyone.

Fans of the show believe that Robyn’s chosen lifestyle and behavior may have contributed to her current appearance and demeanor. She has often portrayed herself as a victim, while the other wives and children faced their own struggles. Some fans raised doubts about Kody’s claims that the other wives mistreated Robyn, as it appeared that she did not actively push for unity among the family. Ultimately, the question remains whether Kody’s actions were the cause of Robyn’s decline or if she played a role in her own demise.

By Lylla

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