Following the tragic passing of Anna Cardwell at the age of 29, leaving behind two daughters, questions have emerged regarding Mama June Shannon’s involvement with her granddaughter, Kaitlyn, and the potential financial implications. Kaitlyn’s father has never been present in her life, so Michael Cardwell, Anna’s ex-husband, took on an active role in caring for her, even continuing to support her education after the divorce. However, after Anna’s death, Kaitlyn ended up in the custody of her grandmother, Mama June, while Michael retained custody of their other daughter, Kylee. Michael is currently in a custody battle with June, particularly due to Anna’s estrangement from her mother over the years.

With Mama June’s reality show set to return on February 9th, fans are speculating whether Kaitlyn will be featured on the show. This speculation stems from the understanding that her inclusion would generate additional profit, as she would be considered a cast member and therefore entitled to compensation. A Reddit thread was initiated to discuss this possibility, with one user expressing their thoughts:

“How many think J and J are more interested in getting custody of Kaitlyn to have her on the show as another source of income for them? I hope not. I want to believe June is trying to redeem herself in how she raised her kids, but I’m doubtful.”

This sparked a conversation about whether Georgia has regulations regarding minors working and parents managing their earnings. It was noted that Pumpkin, Mama June’s daughter, has her four children filmed, and Honey Boo Boo has been on Family Crisis since its inception as a spin-off from Not to Hot. Other Reddit users shared their opinions on the matter:

“That’s absolutely why they want custody of her.”
“Regardless of the show, they will receive a steady social security check for her due to her mother’s death, so they know they are getting something.”
“It’s all about the money and probably the show.”

It is important to note that Mama June has a history of mismanaging her children’s earnings, having spent them on drugs. There are even reports of a dispute this season involving June allegedly depleting Honey Boo Boo’s college fund. One Reddit user mentioned the Coogan Law, which requires a percentage of a child’s earnings to be set aside in an account, but clarified that it does not apply to reality television in Georgia.

While speculation and concerns circulate among fans, it remains to be seen how Mama June’s custody battle and the potential involvement of Kaitlyn in the show will unfold.

By Lylla

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