Matt and Amy Roloff, known for their appearances on the show Little People Big World, have expanded their empire and captured the hearts of fans with their successful business ventures. However, in 2017, they surprised everyone by announcing their divorce. Fortunately, both of them found new partners and are now happily in love. Amy married Chris Marek, while Matt is preparing to marry Caryn Chandler.

Despite their separate relationships, things can still be a bit awkward between the ex-couple. They continue to run their business together and often meet up to film the show. In a recent episode, Chris Marek confessed to going behind Amy’s back and talking about her in front of her ex-husband, Matt. This revelation raises questions about what was discussed and how Amy felt about it.

Chris Marek has been a part of Little People Big World for a few years now. He entered Amy’s life as her boyfriend and eventually became her husband. While things have generally been good between them, tensions were hinted at in the latest episode. Amy mentioned how people often asked her about the “bromance” budding between her current and ex-husband.

Amy expressed that she was okay with their bond as long as they didn’t “compare notes” or discuss her. However, one of the producers decided to spill some tea behind the camera. They revealed that the topic of Amy came up between Chris and Matt, but only “once.” It was during this conversation that Chris admitted to badmouthing his wife in front of her ex. The men discussed Amy’s habit of leaving drawers and doors open, which Chris found irritating. Amy defended herself by explaining that she keeps them open temporarily to put things back in their place, but Chris interjected that she never actually does that, leaving the drawers and doors open for years.

The admission of badmouthing Amy in front of Matt adds a layer of complexity to the dynamics between the exes. It remains to be seen how this revelation will impact their interactions and the overall atmosphere surrounding their business and filming for Little People Big World.

By Lylla

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