The YouTube episode titled “Why We’re Really Leaving Little People, Big World” by Tori and Zach Roloff garnered 426K views within six days. Their podcast, Raising Heights, has also gained 64.1K subscribers so far. However, since the announcement of their departure from the TLC show, has their popularity taken a hit? It seems that their podcast may be experiencing a decline.

According to a report by The Sun, the initial success of Raising Heights has diminished after their announcement of leaving TLC. In the first week, the podcast ranked No. 42 in the Top Shows category on Apple Podcasts and held the top spot in the Relationships category. However, by the fourth week, Raising Heights dropped significantly to the No. 190 spot in Top Shows and slipped to the No. four spot in the Relationships category. It’s possible that the ongoing airing of Little People, Big World may have diverted viewers’ attention. While the figures may seem discouraging, the podcast could still generate revenue through YouTube, especially considering that other experienced podcasters with fewer than 400K views have managed to monetize their content successfully.

As for the future, TLC recently posted a preview for Season 25 on YouTube, which has only garnered 152K views thus far. Many fans of Little People, Big World were fond of Tori and Zach Roloff before the feud over the farm emerged. It’s worth noting that Matt Roloff refused to sell them a portion of the land, resulting in significant backlash for the couple in the subsequent season. Without Tori and Zach and their charming children on the show, it remains uncertain if viewers will maintain interest in the remaining cast members, including Caryn Chander, Matt Roloff, Chris Marek, and Amy Roloff.

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