Tammy and Amy have faced numerous challenges throughout their lives, but they have always managed to overcome them. The reality show 1000 Lb Sisters captures these difficult moments alongside happier ones, allowing fans to witness the sisters’ journey with their family.

Amy’s divorce from Michael Halterman was a messy affair. However, she eventually moved on and started a relationship with a man named Tony, which unfortunately didn’t last long. Now, Amy is involved with a new man named Kevin, but fans have expressed their dislike for him. From the beginning, fans had reservations about Kevin, sensing something off about him. His recent outburst, where he verbally abused Tammy and Chris, seems to have confirmed their concerns.

Fans were initially skeptical of Amy’s new boyfriend, Kevin, as he claimed to be a “good person,” but his actions suggested otherwise. Additionally, fans were put off by his heavy smoking habit. Despite these reservations, fans tried to support Amy because she appeared happy. However, Kevin’s recent behavior has raised serious doubts.

Kevin posted a video on social media, which has since been deleted, where he launched into a 10-minute-long tirade targeting Tammy and Chris from 1000 Lb Sisters. In the video, Kevin used profanity and made derogatory remarks about the siblings. He referred to Tammy as “out of control” and accused her of constantly criticizing him. He then shifted his focus to Chris, claiming that Chris failed to thank him for some eggs. Kevin concluded the video by telling Tammy’s critics to “fu** off” and making racially insensitive comments about Tony Rodgers, an African American man Amy had previously dated.

The fans were appalled by Kevin’s behavior and questioned his credibility when he claimed to make $800,000 a year. Many viewers pleaded with Amy to leave him, and it seems she may have taken their advice. Amy has removed all traces of Kevin from her social media accounts. She posted a quote emphasizing the importance of direct communication and advised people to focus on their own lives instead of gossiping about others. This suggests that Amy may have distanced herself from Kevin and prioritized her own well-being.

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