Over the years, Sister Wives viewers have altered their opinions on Robyn Brown, and upon revisiting earlier episodes, they have discovered a side of her that was initially unnoticed. In retrospect, many now perceive her as more cruel and vindictive than they initially thought. Recently, fans of the show were reviewing old footage and came across an incident involving Robyn Brown that shed light on her true colors.

On Reddit, a popular forum for Sister Wives discussions, viewers shared their thoughts on an early episode. They focused on an incident at Meri Brown’s surprise birthday party, where Robyn kicks a dog after they had been house hunting in Las Vegas. Fans picked up on Robyn’s cruelty during this interaction. One fan expressed confusion, stating that they had seen the video and found it hard to believe their eyes. They wondered why she would do such a thing, especially knowing they were being filmed. They questioned whether this behavior was normalized for her and the family and why she felt comfortable acting that way. They clarified that they were not defending her actions but were trying to understand her motivations.

Several others familiar with Sister Wives joined the discussion and shared their feedback. Many believed that this incident revealed Robyn’s true colors, even though it seemed unlikely at the time. Some viewers thought it was not an accidental act but rather her typical behavior. Hindsight allowed them to see Robyn’s actions in a new light.

Some comments suggested that Robyn may have forgotten they were being filmed and that her true colors simply slipped out. Others speculated that she was accustomed to behaving poorly and relying on Kody to make excuses for her actions. They believed she was less guarded around the cameras because she expected a favorable edit. Some fans even claimed that Robyn’s behavior towards the dog was reflective of her beliefs as a mother, trying to protect her children from the other wives’ pets.

However, there were also fans who couldn’t comprehend why Robyn would cause harm to an innocent animal. They called her wicked and expressed disbelief at her choice of actions. Some fans felt that the family had never been good pet owners or caregivers to their children, based on scenes where dogs were left outside or abandoned in different states.

While some fans perceived the incident as a gentle nudge from Robyn to move the dog out of the way, this opinion was not widely shared. Supporters of this view suggested that, upon careful examination of the footage, Robyn’s foot never actually made contact with the dog. They believed she was simply trying to shoo the excited dog away from her. However, others disagreed, claiming that all four paws of the dog were off the ground, indicating that Robyn had kicked the animal forcefully enough for it to lift off.

In conclusion, as fans continue to discuss Robyn Brown’s behavior on Sister Wives, opinions remain divided. Some believe that this incident exposed her true colors, while others offer alternative interpretations of the footage. However, it is clear that this particular incident has sparked further examination of Robyn’s actions and character throughout the series.

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