The Davis family from Seeking Sister Wife is facing criticism from fans who find their pursuit of a third wife, Danielle, to be problematic. While the family is open to adding more wives, viewers are struggling with the latest addition. What exactly is the issue? Read on for more details.

Fans Label Davis Family “Nasty” for Danielle’s Involvement

In Season 4 of Seeking Sister Wife, the Davis family was introduced to viewers, showcasing their unique dynamic. Nick and April had been together for over a decade when Jennifer entered their lives. Jennifer hit it off with Nick, leading to April and Jennifer getting married, with Jennifer taking Nick’s last name to foster a sense of family connection. Interestingly, Nick took on the role of the primary caregiver while the women worked. The family decided to seek a third wife, and that’s when they found Danielle, who was in her early twenties and had no prior experience with polygamous relationships. Despite some initial challenges, Danielle assimilated well into the family, and they all got married.

However, this season, Danielle has struggled with the concept of having more wives and eventually left the family. This development sparked a Reddit thread where fans expressed their belief that Danielle was too young to make such life-altering decisions:

“The Davis family is nasty for getting involved with a 21-year-old. I cringe at how childish Danielle acts – her mannerisms and speech. I’m 26 and can’t even imagine going through that at 21. The poor girl is probably traumatized. They’re all nasty for that, no matter what anyone says.”

It seems that fellow Seeking Sister Wife fans largely agreed that Danielle was too young to make a well-informed decision:

“My guess would be that Nick targets women with low self-esteem so he can easily control them. That’s probably their only hope for adding more wives.”

“Danielle is 21 and being pressured by these three to find another woman to marry. They should be ashamed of themselves!”

“It feels a little cult-like.”

A Troubling Pattern

One fan pointed out that Nick Davis’ second wife, Jennifer, was only nineteen when they met. This suggests a pattern in their approach to recruiting additional wives. Furthermore, it was noted that Nick, April, and Jennifer apparently have a say in deciding whom Danielle will marry. Many viewers have children the same age as Danielle, and they express concern for her well-being. Without a strong support system or guidance from her own family, she may be more vulnerable in this situation. Some fans speculate that if she wasn’t attached to their baby, her decisions might have been different.

The Davis family’s pursuit of multiple wives and the potential impact on the young women involved has raised significant concerns among Seeking Sister Wife viewers.

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