The fate of Matt Roloff’s 100-acre Roloff farm has always been uncertain. He never officially passed it down to any of his children, which ultimately contributed to the disintegration of the Roloff family on Little People, Big World (LPBW). However, it seems that Matt has finally chosen someone to carry on his legacy.

Taking to social media, Matt recently announced the name of his successor, putting an end to the speculation. Fans have been wondering if it would be Zach, Jeremy, or Jacob who would inherit the farm and continue their father’s work.

Both Zach and Jeremy had a strained relationship with Matt, primarily due to their desire to inherit the farm and carry on the family legacy. However, Matt seemed reluctant to pass on the property and never finalized a deal with his sons. But now, it appears that Matt has made a decision, and he recently revealed the chosen successor for his 100-acre farm.

In a post on Instagram where Matt announced that his house was available for short-term rentals, curious viewers took to the comments section, questioning why he hadn’t passed the farm down to one of his children. One fan wrote, “Let one of your sons keep the farm alive.” Matt swiftly responded, disclosing the name of the child who would take on the responsibility.

He replied, “He totally is Jacob.” Matt explained that Jacob was “running” the entire farm in a way that exceeded the involvement of any of his other children. This revelation surprised viewers, as Jacob had previously made it clear that he had no intention of inheriting his father’s property. He expressed contentment in his own world and stated that he was not interested in being a “property owner.”

With this announcement, it seems that Jacob Roloff will be the one to carry on the Roloff farm legacy. Fans of LPBW will undoubtedly be eager to see how Jacob takes on this new role and the impact it will have on the family dynamic moving forward.

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