Whitney Way Thore, the star of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, recently responded to rumors suggesting she is using Kybella to alter her appearance. Despite claims that Whitney is using drugs to modify her facial features, she maintains that any changes can be attributed to her discipline and lifestyle choices.

The premise of My Big Fat Fabulous Life revolves around Whitney Way Thore’s journey, showcasing her challenges with weight loss while emphasizing that life can still be fabulous. However, some fans are skeptical of everything she presents. Over the past few months, Whitney’s weight has noticeably fluctuated, leading to speculations about her potential use of medications such as Ozempic or Kybella. Nevertheless, Whitney remains steadfast in her denial of using drugs to achieve these results. Despite this, fans have observed a significant reduction in the area under her chin, which has fueled suspicions that she might be dishonest about altering her face.

This is not the first time that fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life have questioned Whitney Way Thore’s honesty. Many believe she often resorts to falsehoods to keep people engaged with her and the show. Aside from suspicions about her weight loss and facial procedures, there have also been claims that the show follows a scripted format. Recently, fans called out Whitney for a video in which she denied even knowing what Kybella is. One critic on Reddit posted, “Kybella,” followed by, “She claims she doesn’t know what it is 😂,” along with a clip from Whitney’s Instagram Stories, where she responded to someone accusing her of using Kybella.

In the video, Whitney Way Thore used a beard filter and ate Chick-fil-A waffle fries throughout. She quickly dismissed any knowledge of Kybella, assuming it was Botox. Moreover, she stated, “Also, I haven’t had Botox,” although she did confess to having lip fillers once during the summer of 2021.

After Whitney Way Thore addressed the allegations of using Kybella, several people shared their thoughts on her statements.

“I don’t believe her claim that she only got lip fillers once.”
“She had it done already, then she got it again with her mom on the show, so that’s definitely a lie!!! 🙄.”
“She must realize that her supposed first visit was aired on TV, right? She went with her mother, and both of them received Botox or a similar treatment during that appointment. She even talked about loving her lips, and they continued to get bigger throughout an entire season, which wouldn’t happen unless you kept going back. I stopped watching the show, but I know enough to recognize blatant lies. 🤥🤥🤥 THIS B*TCH. 🤬🙄.”
“She’s such a liar. There’s no way she’s never had Botox.”
“If it’s not Kybella, then it must be lipo under her chin.”

In addition, viewers of My Big Fat Fabulous Life find it revolting that Whitney Way Thore chose to eat and speak during the video. Furthermore, they note that her choice of food does not align with promoting a healthy lifestyle.

“Look at me, chomping on this chicken with my mouth open while talking. Am I cute? Especially with this beard? I’m so unique, cute, and fun!”
“It doesn’t matter what she’s saying; the fact that she talks with her mouth full is vulgar and disgusting, which negates any value she might have in her words. Of course, she doesn’t have any value because she lies. About everything. She is gross. Period.”
“She lies about everything.”
“She does extensive research on anything she does 🤥… so claiming she doesn’t know what Kybella is, is complete nonsense. And I hate watching her eat and hearing it. It’s so disgusting. I don’t know if it’s just me, but 🤢🤢🤢🤮🥴.”

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