Bill Klein, known for his appearance on The Little Couple, and his daughter Zoey recently had a disappointing experience during an excursion when they encountered what Bill called the “fish police.” The former TLC star appeared frustrated and angry after the incident, prompting him to seek advice from his social media followers. Let’s dive into what happened.

Fans of The Little Couple are aware that Bill Klein owns a pet supply store called Rocky & Maggie’s Pet Boutique and Grooming Salon, named after their beloved dogs. Bill has extensive knowledge about animals and fish, having lived in Florida for a long time and developed an interest in fishing. More recently, he has taken up sailing. However, their latest outing involving fish didn’t turn out as expected, leaving him visibly upset. Let’s find out why.

Bill Klein took to Instagram on Thursday to share his disappointment from the day’s events. In a lengthy caption, he mentioned a pet supply store where he wanted to purchase some live fish. However, the store refused to sell them to him. Bill explained that they had a “BiOrb tank” with no fish inside, and he and Zoey wanted to buy two or three small fish for it.

He shared, in part:

“The sales person called the mgr over who told me I can’t buy two tiny glofish for that size tank… now, I know it’s a bit small, but so are the fish… and transferring fish as they get bigger is always an option. I’d also mention that they were housing 15-20 of these same fish in 7-10 gallon tanks… So we left emptyhanded and Zoey not too pleased. Nonetheless, I looked for a reliable reference… and can only find 1.5 and 3 gallon glofish tanks for sale along with reference that 1″ of fish per gallon of water…we should have ample space for 2-3 for a while… curious… was the guy right?”

People commented on the post, offering their insights and advice regarding Zoey and her dad’s encounter with the “fish police.” Some of the comments included:

“We have had many tanks and fish. I’ve never encountered fish ‘police’ before 😂”
“I’ve always heard one inch of fish per gallon. I’ve never had issues getting fish at other places, but our PSP doesn’t have fish.”
“We went through the same thing. Left and went to a different store. I have changed the water almost 10 times. They are thriving. I have 4 small fish, a snail, and a ghost fish in a 3-gallon tank.”

It seems that fans provided varied opinions and experiences, leaving Bill and Zoey with different perspectives to consider for their fish tank.

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