There are suspicions among TLC fans of Seeking Sister Wife that Garrick Merrifield, star of the show, may not genuinely want any new wives, and some believe that Dannielle Merrifield may be buying into it. But what led viewers to think this way? Despite his apparent determination to pursue other women, there are doubts about his true intentions.

Fans of Seeking Sister Wife find it puzzling to understand Dannielle Merrifield’s behavior. She appears upset whenever Garrick shows interest in potential wives but actively assists him in finding them. In fact, she proudly refers to herself as his “wingwoman.” Many people suspect that Garrick groomed her from a young age to fulfill his sexual fantasies.

Garrick Merrifield has made attempts with Lea, Roberta, and most recently, Nathalia from Brazil. With Roberta, TLC fans suspect that Dannielle Merrifield intentionally hindered the possibility of a permanent connection between her husband and the potential sister wife. Many believe that introducing a third wife sabotaged his relationship with Lea. Additionally, Nathalia’s pregnancy abruptly ended any further progress.

The question arises as to why Dannielle Merrifield continues to assist Garrick in pursuing additional partners. Seeking Sister Wife fans have engaged in discussions about Garrick’s intentions, with one Reddit user suggesting that he may not be interested in marrying any of these women and is simply seeking casual encounters. The user proposes that he meets, engages in sexual activity, and then Dannielle chases the women away, repeating this pattern. Some fans speculate that Dannielle Merrifield may be playing a strange sexual fantasy game with Garrick.

In the Reddit discussion, Seeking Sister Wife fans share their thoughts, suggesting that Garrick manipulated Dannielle into divorcing him so that he could continue engaging in sexual activities with her while living with their children. They propose that he justifies his behavior by claiming that God speaks to him and guides his actions. Some fans believe that Seeking Sister Wife is a religious cover to justify the dynamics of their relationship, as open marriage may not align with biblical teachings. It is mentioned that Garrick initially asked for an open marriage but later found a religious explanation to support his actions.

While it was previously believed that Garrick was genuinely interested in marriage, there is a growing belief among fans that he has become more interested in casual encounters, with Dannielle serving as a facilitator for his desires.

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