Moriah Plath, known for her appearance on Welcome To Plathville, is currently pursuing a career in music, pouring her emotions into her work. However, some fans have been quick to criticize her efforts, causing additional vulnerability.

Moriah Plath, a star of Welcome To Plathville, seems to be revisiting a traumatic experience in her life. While specific details remain unclear, it appears that she was deeply in love with someone who did not reciprocate her feelings. This unrequited love left her emotionally raw and wounded, leading her to seek solace from her mother, Kim Plath. Viewers may expect to learn more about this heartbreaking chapter of Moriah’s life when the reality show returns to TLC. For now, she is sharing lyrics that stem from her wounded heart.

On Instagram, Moriah Plath shares a snippet of a new song she has been working on. In the caption, she writes, “I pray you never place your value in how much someone else values you 🥀📝📬🎶.” Clearly, she is not only honing her musical talents but also delving deep into the emotional pain she has endured in the past. In the video, she sits barefoot in sweatpants, singing to an 80s-style rhythmic beat, while pouring out lyrics that reflect her broken heart.

In the video, Moriah Plath offers fans a glimpse of her evolving style. The lyrics express, “I know it won’t be healthy for me to treat you like you treat me.” It appears that Moriah is referring to a breakup she experienced last year. She continues, “I won’t speak, ’cause I mean less to you than you do to me,” channeling her emotions into a song as a way to convey her feelings. In a raw expression, she adds, “I can’t love myself the way I love you, because that love is blind.” While acknowledging the person’s perfection in her eyes, she also reflects on the criticism she faced: “You showed me every flaw of mine.” It is evident that the relationship was unhealthy, as she confesses, “You make me feel like I’m worthless. Maybe I deserve this.”

Despite Moriah Plath’s vulnerable display of her wounded heart, some fans of Welcome To Plathville chose to focus on superficial aspects instead. Rather than engaging with the lyrics, they criticized the roots of her hair.

“Please do your roots, girl. You are so beautiful 😍, but this look isn’t working for you ❤️.”
“She’s a natural blonde, so I don’t think the dark part is her roots showing. I think she must have dyed it that way.”

While some fans were quick to criticize Moriah Plath’s new sound, others came to her defense.

“It doesn’t sound good. I’m sorry, but it’s hard to listen to. Whoever recorded this should have been honest with her q.”

However, there were supporters who stood up for Moriah Plath and her musical endeavors.

“Imagine being a young woman exposing yourself to the world. Imagine having dreams and passion, and then 90% of your comments are older women trolling you and being rude… If you don’t like it, just leave.”
“Exactly! I’m 42, and these comments would devastate me. Who wakes up and trolls a young woman who’s not hurting anyone!?”

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