Jenny Slatten, known for her appearance on the popular reality show “90 Day Fiancé,” has been enjoying her life in India with her partner Sumit Singh. The couple has garnered success and admiration from fans, despite facing skepticism due to their significant age difference. Jenny and Sumit have been sharing pictures and videos from their travels around India, offering glimpses into their fulfilling lives. However, Jenny recently shocked her followers by posting an unrecognizable throwback photo of herself. Let’s take a closer look at the picture that caught everyone’s attention.

One of the latest updates from Jenny revolves around her journey to gain acceptance from Sumit’s family. Initially, Sumit’s parents, Sadhna and Anil, were opposed to their marriage due to the age gap between Jenny and Sumit. However, Jenny managed to win over her in-laws’ hearts behind the scenes. The couple joyfully shared this exciting news during an episode of “90 Day: Diaries.” Since then, Jenny has been posting photos showcasing her bonding moments with Sumit’s parents. On Mother’s Day, she even took to social media to share sweet pictures with her mother-in-law.

A fan page dedicated to “90 Day Fiancé” recently reposted a throwback photo of Jenny when she was younger, alongside her daughters Dominique, Christina, and Danae. Many fans were taken aback by how unrecognizable Jenny looked in the picture, while others commented on her resemblance to her daughters.

“Wow, Jenny! She looks like her kids could be of mixed heritage.”
“There’s a lot of confusion in this picture, lol.”
“Oh my, it took me a minute to recognize her!”
“I had no idea who Jenny was, but now I realize it’s Jenny and Sumit. She looked a bit like Mama June back then.”
“What a beautiful picture! You have a lovely family!”

Jenny expressed her desire to make a comeback on the show by commenting on a casting Instagram page for “90 Day Fiancé,” stating that she and Sumit would love to be featured in “The Other Way” and that there is more of their story left to tell. However, TLC has not confirmed whether they will bring back the couple. Nonetheless, Sumit and Jenny have been regulars on the spinoff series “Pillow Talk” and have shown no signs of relationship troubles. Some individuals also believe that Jenny’s intentions were solely for financial gain and that her marriage with Sumit Singh has been healthy and stable for years.

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