Chris Combs, a beloved supporting cast member of the 1000 Lb Sisters series, captivated TLC viewers with his humor and wit. Like his sisters Amy and Tammy, Chris faced his own weight loss struggles, starting the series at over 450 pounds. As fans rallied behind him, Chris’s popularity grew, leading to his own spinoff. His journey became an inspiration for many as he worked hard and remained consistent, ultimately shedding over 150 pounds. However, his significant weight loss left him with excess skin, prompting curiosity about his plans for skin removal surgery.

In a recent revelation, Chris shared the real reasons behind the delay in his skin removal surgery. During Season 4, Episode 3, he asked his wife, Brittany, to measure his waist to gauge how much he would weigh without the excess skin. Surprisingly, his measurements revealed a waist size of 46 inches when accounting for all the excess skin, compared to the previous 66 inches.

Chris expressed the challenges of living with the excess skin, describing it as “loose blubber” or skin that caused concerns about sweat and body odor. He humorously likened himself to a flying squirrel, eliciting laughter from Brittany, who playfully dismissed the comparison.

Despite his desire to undergo skin removal surgery, Chris faced obstacles. His surgeon, Dr. Eric Smith, advised him to consult with a plastic surgeon to ensure that his weight had stabilized and recommended losing an additional 50 pounds before considering the procedure.

Chris Combs’s journey on 1000 Lb Sisters has been one of determination and transformation. Viewers eagerly await further updates on his progress and hope that he can eventually address the issue of excess skin, achieving the physical results he desires.

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