Deon and Karen, the stars of Doubling Down With The Derricos, have been facing a new set of challenges in Season 14 as they navigate the process of moving into their new home. In previous episodes, Karen expressed frustration with their old, cramped living space and desired a larger home. Deon surprised her with the news that he had been building a new home for them over the past five years.

Initially, Karen was ecstatic about the prospect of moving into a bigger space. However, when Deon took her to see the progress of their new home, she appeared less than pleased with how things were going. During a visit to the unfinished house on Valentine’s Day, Deon presented Karen with gifts and flowers. Despite her attempt to put on a happy face, Karen admitted that she expected more progress and envisioned different features for the house, such as pastel blue walls. She felt that they were starting from scratch and expressed her disappointment.

Deon, on the other hand, didn’t appreciate Karen’s response and criticized her lack of vision. He mentioned that he hadn’t taken her to his real estate jobs before because of her inability to see the potential. Karen argued that their real estate jobs were not the same as their home, and she simply wanted to hear that the house was ready for them to move in. This led to a reality check from Deon, who revealed issues such as black mold in the house. Karen was shocked and upset that Deon hadn’t informed her about these problems earlier.

Karen’s reaction to the news of mold was one of concern and frustration. She questioned why Deon hadn’t disclosed this information to her and expressed her hurt feelings. It appears that the couple is facing a difficult moment in their journey towards their new home.

As the season progresses, it remains to be seen how Deon and Karen will navigate these challenges and whether they will be able to overcome them to finally settle into their new, dream home.

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