Amber Johnston’s enthusiasm for her granddaughter, Leighton, has surpassed that of Leighton’s mother, Liz Johnston, leading to discussions among fans of 7 Little Johnstons. However, some viewers have expressed concerns about Amber’s behavior, describing her as disturbingly possessive.

When Trent Johnston learned about the ultrasound, his primary concern was whether Leighton would be a little person like the rest of the family. This sparked conversations about the baby’s size and Amber’s desire for a little person grandchild. TLC fans are now questioning Amber’s motives for wanting a little person in the family, among other things.

Amber Johnston has given birth to two children, Jonah and Liz Johnston, while the other three were adopted from Korea, China, and Russia. Some individuals have accused her of favoritism among her children, and it appears that Leighton may be her current favorite, despite not being her biological child.

Certain 7 Little Johnstons fans anticipated a potential conflict between Liz Johnston and her mother over their roles as parents. However, it seems that in Amber’s mind, she has always considered herself the mother of Leighton. A Reddit user noticed Amber referring to Liz Johnston’s child as if she were the mother, even before the baby was born.

Expressing their criticism of Amber Johnston, the original poster wrote:

“I’ve never had an average-sized baby!”
Watching a rerun. Amber explaining why she was rooting for a LP (little person) baby. Amber, newsflash: THIS ISN’T YOUR BABY. That woman is sick.

This comment sparked a thread among TLC fans, with some making noteworthy observations. Here are a few of their remarks:

“Seriously. Her behavior is sad.”
“Imagine wishing for your grandbaby to be born with a lifelong disability. Yeah, she’s a horrible human.”
“She is super sick. She’s the one drawing the distinction of LP, and she’s the one with insecurities about it. No one else cares… But that baby is sure gonna understand the difference between a b–ch and an overcontrolling mother, and those who are not. Liz is going to end up being totally hands-off because Amber’s gonna make it that way.”
“Brice needs to grow a spine. I hope his parents don’t allow Amber to take over.”

The discussions surrounding Amber Johnston’s behavior have raised concerns among fans, who question her attachment to her granddaughter and the potential impact on the family dynamics.

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