Kody Brown, known for his role in Sister Wives, has recently become a hot topic among fans for reasons beyond his complex family dynamics. There’s growing speculation that Kody has undergone cosmetic procedures, particularly focusing on his lips, which some fans now refer to as “sausage lips.”

Kody Brown’s Evolving Appearance

Kody has always been notable for his distinctive hair, which transitioned from straight to curly, often styled to conceal his receding hairline. However, as the years have passed, attention has shifted to his facial appearance. Fans believe his face looks tighter and more youthful than one might expect for his age, leading to theories about possible cosmetic enhancements.

Speculations on Cosmetic Enhancements

On platforms like Reddit, fans have debated whether Kody has had procedures like Botox, facelifts, or fillers. One fan initiated a discussion, asking:

“We all agree he’s gotten some kind of work right definitely filler?!?”

Responses varied, but many fans agreed that Kody’s appearance had changed significantly, suggesting he might have overdone it with the fillers:

“Sausage lips at his age don’t just happen.”
“They are weird looking and I just can’t un-see them.”
“I’d guess he had a brow lift and maybe something done around the eye or even some filler/tox. No way his vain a** is going to age gracefully.”
“He’s gotten something done.”

The Role of Steroids

Another angle fans have considered is the impact of steroids. Kody’s behavior, especially his rage and mood swings, has led to speculation that he might be using steroids. Steroids can cause significant physical changes, including puffiness and alterations in hair texture, which could explain some of Kody’s recent appearance changes. One fan noted:

“It’s also long been speculated that Kody is taking some sort of steroids. Some side effects may include irritability, mood swings, manic symptoms, paranoia. It can also affect facial features by making you appear round and puffy, and last but not least, it can also affect hair texture… Sometimes hair loss but sometimes also changing your curl pattern. I’m not saying he hasn’t had work done but this could also be a reason.”

Fans’ Theories

Despite the speculations, Kody has not publicly admitted to having any cosmetic procedures. Fans believe he prefers people to think he is aging naturally. However, they are confident that subtle changes in his appearance will eventually be noticed by someone close to him, potentially leading to more revelations.

“He’s using TRT, he also looks like he’s had botox and fillers done, and not well.”


Whether Kody Brown’s changed appearance is due to cosmetic procedures, steroid use, or natural aging, it remains a topic of avid discussion among Sister Wives fans. While Kody may never openly discuss these changes, the speculation is likely to continue, with fans keenly observing and analyzing his evolving look.

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