It’s been a few years since Pedro Jimeno and Chantel Everett decided to part ways. The couple, who initially won hearts during their debut on 90 Day Fiancé, experienced a tumultuous relationship that ultimately led to their divorce. What began as minor disagreements escalated into prolonged conflicts over career aspirations and household responsibilities, culminating in their separation.

Moving On After Divorce

Post-divorce, Chantel joined The Single Life in a bid to find love again and continues to work as an aesthetic nurse. Meanwhile, Pedro has focused on his career in real estate, often using social media to promote his professional endeavors. Despite their efforts to move forward, their past relationship remains a hot topic among fans.

Pedro’s Controversial Video

Recently, Pedro found himself under fire after posting a new video on social media. In the clip, he remixed a video featuring a woman performing high kicks with a bottle. Pedro positioned himself in front of his client to shield her from getting hit, with the implication that he prioritizes his clients’ safety and well-being as a real estate agent.

However, this video did not sit well with 90 Day Fiancé fans, particularly those who still support Chantel. The comments section was soon flooded with criticisms. One user remarked:

“You want to protect your client, but you never tried to protect Chantel.”

Others were more scathing in their comments, with some saying they wouldn’t trust Pedro to sell even their dog’s house. Many fans believe that Pedro stayed with Chantel solely for the green card and ended the relationship once his objective was achieved.


Pedro Jimeno’s attempt to showcase his dedication to his real estate clients backfired, reigniting criticism from 90 Day Fiancé fans who have not forgotten his past with Chantel Everett. As both Pedro and Chantel continue to navigate their lives post-divorce, their former relationship continues to cast a long shadow, with fans quick to express their opinions on their social media activities.

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