Tori and Zach Roloff, beloved stars of Little People, Big World (LPBW), have enjoyed a significant fan following due to their wholesome personas and relatable storylines. However, over their decade-long presence on the show, they’ve occasionally stirred controversy, particularly with their political and social views. The latest backlash stems from their opinions on abortion, shared in a recent episode of their podcast, Raising Heights.

Controversial Podcast Episode

In a recent podcast episode, Tori and Zach discussed the sensitive and polarizing topic of abortion, particularly in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

  • Tori’s Personal Experience:
    Tori reflected on her own miscarriage in 2021, during which she had to undergo a medical procedure akin to an abortion. She described feeling traumatized by her experience, particularly being in the same facility as women who were there by choice. This experience, she said, made her view the issue in “black and white” terms.
  • Zach’s Stance:
    Zach expressed sympathy for rape victims who choose to have abortions but was strongly against others opting for the procedure. He specifically criticized those who choose to abort pregnancies upon learning their babies would have conditions like dwarfism.

Fan Reactions

The couple’s comments sparked significant backlash from their audience, who accused them of various insensitivities and hypocrisies.

  • Privilege Criticisms:
    Many fans pointed out that Tori and Zach are financially well-off, which might influence their perspective on raising children with disabilities. Critics argued that their privileged position makes it easier for them to condemn others who might not have the same resources or support systems.
  • Imposing Religious Views:
    Viewers also criticized the couple for seemingly imposing their religious beliefs on others. They argued that personal religious convictions should not infringe on others’ rights or medical decisions.
  • Lack of Empathy:
    Some fans felt that the Roloffs’ lack of understanding for the complex reasons behind abortions was troubling. They highlighted that the decision to terminate a pregnancy can be influenced by numerous factors, including health, financial stability, and personal circumstances.


Tori and Zach Roloff’s recent podcast episode on Raising Heights has placed them in a contentious spotlight, with many fans expressing disappointment and frustration over their anti-abortion views. While the couple has often been celebrated for their relatable and endearing presence on Little People, Big World, this incident reveals the complexities and challenges of navigating public life with deeply personal and polarizing opinions. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how this will affect their relationship with their audience and their future endeavors on and off the screen.

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