Darcey and Stacey Silva, known for their stint on “90 Day Fiance,” have garnered fame for their relentless pursuit of drastic makeovers, often resorting to surgical enhancements in their quest for a new look. The extent of procedures undertaken by these twin sisters has left viewers bewildered, as the duo seems to continually reinvent their appearances through a series of cosmetic treatments.

However, the latest transformations unveiled by Stacey and Darcey have sparked a wave of criticism from fans who feel that the siblings have now crossed a line. The reaction to their most recent surgeries has been so vehement that followers are now questioning the competence of the sisters’ surgeon, with some even suggesting that his license may be in jeopardy. But is this a genuine concern or merely speculation?

Critics are adamant about wanting to see Darcey and Stacey’s surgeon banned, primarily due to the sisters’ relentless pursuit of a youthful aesthetic that appears to be eroding their natural beauty. Despite facing significant backlash from their audience in the past, the twins remain undeterred in their quest for cosmetic alterations, going as far as seeking treatments abroad to maintain their desired look.

The controversy surrounding the twins’ surgeon escalated when they visited Dr. Robert G. Dorfman, a plastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills, and publicly endorsed his clinic as the epitome of excellence. This endorsement served as a catalyst for fan outrage directed towards the prominent doctor, questioning his decision to perform further surgeries on the already extensively altered faces of Darcey and Stacey.

Viewers have raised valid concerns about the ethics and professional responsibility of Dr. Dorfman, given the extensive surgical history of the Silva sisters. The online backlash against the surgeon has been fierce, with individuals expressing strong disapproval of his actions. Calls for his license to be revoked have gained traction, with many fans expressing disappointment and frustration over what they perceive as a disregard for the natural beauty of Darcey and Stacey, potentially tarnishing the reputation of the surgeon in question.

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