Thais Ramone, known for her role on “90 Day Fiance,” has recently stirred up discussions among fans regarding her stance on expanding her family. Despite being a proud mother to her daughter, Aleesi, Thais has firmly stated her reluctance to have more children. This decision came as a surprise to her husband, Patrick Mendes, leading to an uncomfortable moment during the Tell All segment where the couple openly disagreed on their baby plans.

Thais and Patrick captivated viewers with their endearing bond and chemistry, becoming fan favorites for their heartwarming journey alongside their daughter. While Thais had previously teased the idea of a second child, she has since quashed rumors and expressed no inclination towards growing her family. However, recent hints from Ramone suggest a potential reconsideration of her earlier decision.

The couple’s narrative on “90 Day Fiance” showcased a mix of highs and lows, including Thais’s struggles with Patrick’s brother, John McManus. Despite these challenges, the couple appears to be living their dream life away from the show’s drama, a storyline that resonated with TLC viewers who enjoyed witnessing their family dynamics with Aleesi.

Thais often shares personal updates and milestones with her Instagram followers, including discussions about the possibility of a second child. During the Tell All segment, she had conveyed her hesitance to Patrick regarding expanding their family. In a recent Q&A session with fans, when asked about her stance on having more children, Thais clarified her position by emphasizing her love for children while stating that she was not currently ready for another baby due to various reasons.

Ramone disclosed that her thoughts on the timing of a second child are subject to change, leaving the door open for future possibilities. Her statement, “It can happen tomorrow or years, let’s see,” has prompted speculation among fans who now question whether Thais is reconsidering her decision and if she may have been concealing her baby plans due to contractual obligations. The evolving narrative surrounding Thais’s family planning has generated intrigue and curiosity among followers of the reality TV star.

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