Amos Andrews entered and exited Meri Brown’s life relatively quickly, leaving fans disappointed but understanding of the Sister Wives star’s decision. The alleged reasons behind their breakup, such as financial issues and concerning past relationships, seemed reasonable, and fans believe Meri made the right choice.

Meri hinted that fans played a role in the split, expressing her irritation at their digging into every aspect of her relationship. While she may have expected this level of scrutiny, she made it clear that it bothered her. On social media, she acknowledged, “Y’all went crazy and you had to dig into everything. Everything.”

However, Meri shouldn’t expect Sister Wives fans to refrain from uncovering red flags. They genuinely care about her happiness and don’t want her to repeat the mistakes she made with Kody. Initially, it was reported that Amos had been married three times before, but it later emerged that he had been married and divorced four times. This revelation alone should have raised significant concerns and likely contributed to her decision to end the relationship.

According to a source close to the situation, financial concerns also played a role in Meri’s decision to move on. Despite initial compatibility, it became apparent after four months that they were financially incompatible. Amos had child support problems and a track record of four failed marriages, which worried fans. The source revealed that Meri realized he lacked ambition and stability, two major red flags for her. The accumulation of these concerns became overwhelming and led to the end of their relationship.

As Meri focuses on her financial goals, the source indicated that she desires a partner who is financially stable and willing to work with her to achieve those goals. Additionally, it appears that Amos struggled to handle the scrutiny that comes with dating someone in the public eye, further contributing to their breakup.

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