Laura Leigh Reese, known from her appearances on Season 3 and Season 4 of TLC’s show, recently introduced her new girlfriend following her separation from her wife, Lauren. Viewers may recall the controversial dynamics between Lauren, her mother Lisa, and Laura Leigh, which included Lisa’s involvement in inseminating her daughter, leading to viewer discomfort.

During Season 4 of the TLC show, Laura Leigh discovered that Lauren and Lisa had planned for Lauren to become pregnant without her knowledge. This revelation prompted Laura Leigh to establish boundaries with Lisa, as she felt her involvement was intrusive. By that point, TLC fans had developed strong negative sentiments towards Lisa and Lauren. Consequently, the absence of Lisa and Lauren in Season 5’s cast lineup did not disappoint viewers.

In November of the previous year, fans of “sMothered” learned that Lauren had accused Laura Leigh Reese of exhibiting violent behavior. Allegedly, after the birth of their baby, Raegan, Laura Leigh prevented Lauren’s parents from being involved and purportedly threatened Lauren with physical harm. At the time, Laura Leigh, who was estranged from Lauren, denied these allegations. However, these accusations could potentially explain their absence from Season 5 of the TLC show.

On April 13, a Reddit user shared screenshots from Instagram showcasing Laura Leigh’s new girlfriend. Coincidentally, on the same day, Laura Leigh confirmed that she spends time with her daughter, Raegan. The caption of the Reddit post read:

“Laura Leigh hard launched her new girlfriend!
Laura Leigh Reese had said the following about her girlfriend, ‘What Material; Are You Made Of…..Girlfriend Material!'”

TLC fans expressed their happiness for Laura Leigh and wished her a more positive future without someone like Lisa interfering in her love life. Here are some of their comments:

“I really hope she found someone who is less self-absorbed and less influenced by her mother than her ex was. That was painful to watch.”
“The insemination scene with her mom was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Awesome! They both look so happy! Her ex and her mom are so gross! I’m glad she’s free from that incestuous situation!”
“Good for her. It was infuriating to witness the disrespectful behavior she endured while being gaslighted.”
“She looks happy!! She was my favorite on ‘sMothered’.”
“[Lauren’s dad got along with her and] they worked together. He knew his wife and daughter were crazy… I wonder if she still works with him… If anyone knows, I would definitely be interested in that information!”

By user

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