Late Anna Cardwell was honored with Mother’s Day love from her ex-husband, Michael Cardwell, and his fiancée, who aimed to keep her memory alive for Anna’s daughter, Kylee. The gestures made by Michael and his fiancée were heartwarming. Here are the details.

This year marked the first Mother’s Day without Anna Cardwell, and her loved ones found unique ways to honor her memory. Mama June Shannon and her family had a private moment to celebrate the mother of two, while Anna’s eldest daughter, Kaitlyn, is currently under Mama June’s custody. Anna’s youngest daughter, Kylee, lives with her ex-husband, Michael Cardwell. Although Michael is fighting for custody of Kaitlyn as well, his focus remains on keeping the girls together. He has raised Kylee since she was young and continues to provide financial support.

In order to ensure Anna’s memory was cherished, especially for Kylee, Michael wanted to do something special for his late ex-wife on her first Mother’s Day in heaven. Michael’s fiancée, London Smith, shared a touching photo on her Facebook of Kylee holding a teddy bear. The bear had a photo of Anna and Kylee in the center, both smiling, with the caption “Happy Mother’s Day in heaven Anna Marie Cardwell.”

As soon as fans saw the photo on social media and noticed the joy on Kylee’s face, a Reddit thread emerged to acknowledge the beautiful way Anna was being remembered. The simplicity of the gesture, using a bear from Walmart specifically designed to hold a photo, resonated deeply with everyone:

“This is so adorable. It looks like she has a great relationship with Michael’s new wife, and they are working hard to include Anna in everything they do.”
“Awww, this is so sweet.”
“Wow, she looks just like Anna!”

Despite the heartfelt comments, followers expressed their concerns about the girls being separated during such a difficult time.

Many Mama June fans found it challenging to understand why Kylee and Kaitlyn were separated while mourning their mother. Additionally, they felt that June should not be responsible for raising any children. Surprisingly, some fans directed their anger towards Anna Cardwell, believing that she should have prioritized her children’s needs despite her own health struggles.

“Anna is the selfish one for not getting her affairs in order when she knew she was going to die. Call me cold for the opinion, but it’s true. Tell me you wouldn’t have set plans for your children in place if a doctor told you that you had stage 4 cancer… Selfish.”
One commenter added that Anna had time to promote useless products but didn’t take the time to organize her affairs. However, it’s important to note that Anna struggled with the idea that she might not be around to witness her children grow up.

The discussions surrounding Anna’s memory on Mother’s Day reflected both the love and the concerns of fans as they navigated this difficult situation.

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