Fans of the reality show Seeking Sister Wife have shifted their perspective on Dannielle Merrifield, realizing that she may not be a victim in her marriage to Garrick Merrifield. Initially, viewers sympathized with Dannielle, a mother of three, as she reluctantly followed her husband’s desire to enter into a plural marriage. However, recent developments have led fans to believe that Dannielle is not as helpless as she may seem.

When Dannielle first appeared on Seeking Sister Wife, it was evident that she was simply following Garrick’s lead. Despite her initial reservations, she agreed to seek a sister wife at her husband’s insistence, believing it was God’s will. They found Roberta from Brazil, and although Dannielle liked her, jealousy became a significant issue. When Dannielle expressed her concerns to Garrick, he disregarded her feelings. Eventually, Roberta left the family, and Nathalia entered the picture.

Dannielle struggled to connect with Nathalia but tried to make the relationship work. However, Garrick continued to dismiss her feelings. Furthermore, they even divorced so he could legally marry Roberta, adding to Dannielle’s insecurities. As the show progressed, fans began to question Dannielle’s victim status. A Reddit thread emerged where viewers shared their belief that she was not a genuine victim but rather complicit in the situation. Some even speculated that Dannielle enjoyed the sexual aspects of the plural marriage and liked sharing Garrick with other women.

Followers of the show pointed out that Dannielle actively helps Garrick recruit potential sister wives. While they have used dating sites and apps, it was revealed that Dannielle reaches out to women on social media as well. This led to discussions among fans about whether Dannielle seeks to find a best friend who can also be intimate with her husband.

With these revelations, fans have concluded that Dannielle is not the victim she was initially portrayed to be. Instead, they see her as an active participant in the polygamous dynamic and suggest that she may even enjoy the attention and drama that comes with it. Various theories and opinions circulate among fans, but the consensus is that Dannielle is far from a victim in her marriage to Garrick.

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