Is Nick Davis from Seeking Sister Wife intentionally building a cult with his multiple wives? This is a belief held by some viewers, but what are the reasons behind this perception, and is there any truth to it? Read on to find out more.

Nick Davis and his unconventional relationship with his wives have been a topic of discussion since their introduction on Seeking Sister Wife in Season 4. Instead of being married to one wife while having a spiritual union with another, both of Nick’s female partners are married to each other. April Davis was Nick’s first partner, and they were together for about a decade before Jennifer Davis joined the family. The connection between April and Jennifer led to them getting married, and both women took Nick’s last name. Meanwhile, Nick primarily stays at home while his wives work and take care of the household.

This dynamic has led some viewers to question the nature of Nick’s intentions. One Reddit thread was dedicated to discussing the belief that Nick is working towards building a cult:

“He is very manipulative. He is absolutely working toward building a cult.”

“They all sleep in one bed, no one was mindful of whether or not Danielle wanted to marry a woman shortly after she married into the family, there are a lot of interesting factors. Did anyone else feel that Nick Davis was working toward his own cult?”

The thread includes comments suggesting that Nick’s behavior and the way his wives idolize him resemble cult-like characteristics. Some Redditors describe him as a master manipulator who exerts coercive control over his wives. They also mention that Danielle Davis’s friend expressed concerns about her involvement in something cult-like.

Friends of the family seem to see Nick’s influence on the women, particularly Danielle and Jennifer. Despite the unsuccessful addition of Jasmine as a potential sister wife, Nick remains determined to bring more women into the family. The future of their relationship and whether Nick’s quest for additional wives will continue is uncertain.

While these claims about Nick Davis building a cult are based on viewer perceptions and discussions, it is important to note that they are speculative and should be taken with caution. Only the individuals involved can truly clarify their intentions and dynamics within their relationship.

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