OutDaughtered, the beloved family show on TLC, has gained immense popularity over the years. The Busbys, a family of eight, including their quintuplets, have captivated audiences with their parenting journey. However, one family member who has been noticeably absent from recent major events is Grandma Mimi, also known as Michelle Theriot, Danielle’s mother. This has raised questions about her whereabouts and her current relationship with the Busby family.

For years, TLC showcased the extended family members who provided support in raising the children. Aunt Kiki and Uncle Dale became familiar faces to viewers, as did Grandma Mimi. However, in a surprising turn of events, Grandma Mimi has been missing. She was not present at the family’s Thanksgiving celebration for the second consecutive year, as confirmed by Adam and Danielle’s social media posts.

Fans of OutDaughtered have noticed this absence and speculated that the Busbys may no longer be in contact with Grandma Mimi. However, neither the family nor Grandma Mimi have addressed this matter openly. Fans have taken to the comments section of Adam’s posts, asking questions about the family and the show. While Adam responded to most questions, he avoided those related to Grandma Mimi, leaving fans with no clear answers.

Additionally, followers of Michelle’s Instagram account have pointed out that her last post was in 2021, and she has been inactive on the platform since then. This further adds to the mystery surrounding her current situation.

There was an incident in 2020 that gained attention and shocked fans. Grandma Mimi was involved in a DUI arrest in League City, Texas. Reports state that she was pulled over by the police due to erratic driving behavior, including swerving and crossing the white shoulder line. Subsequent sobriety tests revealed that she was under the influence, resulting in charges against her. However, as a first-time offender, she avoided jail time and instead received community supervision as part of a diversion program.

Since this incident, Grandma Mimi has not been seen with the Busbys on OutDaughtered, leading to speculation that the family may have distanced themselves from her. The lack of information and communication from both sides has left fans wondering about the status of their relationship.

By Lylla

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