Savannah Chrisley, known for her appearances on Chrisley Knows Best, has been facing numerous challenges lately. With her parents in prison, she has taken on the role of a “single parent” to her younger brother and niece, adding significant stress to her life. Despite these difficulties, Savannah has been doing her best to care for her siblings and provide for them.

However, a recent video posted by Savannah has caused controversy among fans. In the video, she recounted an embarrassing incident involving her niece Chloe on their way to school. This led to fans criticizing her for publicly embarrassing her younger sister/niece.

Savannah is still a young person figuring things out, and she genuinely cares for her siblings. She often documents moments with her family, sharing them on social media. In this particular Instagram story, Savannah talked about Chloe’s recent introduction to using deodorant and her occasional forgetfulness in applying it. She described an incident where she entered the car and immediately noticed a bad smell. Eventually, Savannah realized that Chloe was the source of the odor because she had forgotten to use deodorant. Savannah then proceeded to make Chloe wipe her armpits and insisted on stopping to get a deodorant for her to use before reaching school.

Fans were disgusted by the video and expressed their disappointment in Savannah’s actions. They criticized her for publicly embarrassing Chloe and pointed out that Chloe appeared visibly upset as she stormed out of the recording. Some fans even expressed sympathy for Chloe, comparing Savannah’s behavior to how her own father had allegedly tormented her.

The backlash from fans highlights the need for sensitivity and respect when sharing personal moments, especially involving family members. While Savannah likely had good intentions in addressing Chloe’s forgetfulness, the public nature of the video caused discomfort among viewers. Going forward, it is crucial for Savannah to consider the potential impact of her actions and ensure the well-being and dignity of her family members are preserved.

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