TLC’s reality show, sMothered, has left audiences astonished by the unusually close bonds some mothers share with their son-in-laws. One particular family has made a lasting impression on viewers, showcasing the relationship between Trevor and his mother-in-law, India. However, many viewers found their actions to be unsettling, leading to a collective sense of shock. Let’s delve into what had fans so taken aback.

Trevor and his wife, DaLeesa, are featured on the TLC program, but the focus of the storyline isn’t solely on Trevor’s relationship with his wife. Instead, sMothered shines a spotlight on the somewhat unnatural bond he has developed with his mother-in-law, India.

Trevor and India engage in various activities together, including performing a choreographed dance at DaLeesa’s baby shower for their third child. Their close relationship has captured the attention of Trevor’s wife, friends, and other family members.

DaLeesa, understandably, is wary of the peculiar bond they seem to share. She expressed her concerns, stating, “I could never, in a million years, imagine one of my daughters acting like this with their in-laws, not in front of me. I don’t tolerate that.”

While sMothered often presents uncomfortable moments, Trevor and India’s actions left fans truly horrified. In one scene, they were shown simultaneously taking a bite from the same cupcake. When Trevor’s mother saw the video, she deemed their behavior “excessive.” Another clip showed India stating on camera that she sometimes forgets Trevor has a mother because she feels like his mom.

DaLeesa’s friends also shared their thoughts on the peculiar relationship between her husband and mother-in-law. They expressed their belief that the dynamic between Trevor and India is indeed strange.

However, no one appeared as shocked as the viewers themselves after witnessing the events on sMothered. They couldn’t believe their eyes when they observed the pair’s behavior. Furthermore, many fans suspected that there might be more to the relationship between India and Trevor.

“I’m just going to say it, they are having an affair,” one person wrote on social media, with others echoing similar sentiments. Another commenter expressed, “The mom is too much! She’s always feeding him with her mouth. I felt sorry for the daughter at her own baby shower!” A third individual chimed in, stating, “The mom seeks attention and secretly loves her son-in-law! If this is all staged, fine, but it’s still incredibly weird!”

Numerous people felt sympathy for DaLeesa after watching the episode. Not only were her husband’s actions disturbing, but it was also extremely embarrassing for her to witness the dynamic between her mother and husband being showcased.

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